Mind Map Series

project created in collaboration with Santhi Analytis

2011, 18 x 24” each, Marker, graphite, or charcoal on paper

At the juncture of technology and art we find ourselves looking into a mirror of our mind’s eye. In this work, the artist brings the observer into the work, not as creator or subject, but as the medium itself. The spasmodic motions of pen on paper are the result of one’s brain wave patterns, moved by a sub-conscious neural response. This collision of sensoryinfluences reminds us of the illusion of the conscious agency that we assume in our day‐to‐day living, when indeed our minds have abstract processes beyond our control or understanding. In contrast, the uniqueness of the human experience comes from our ability to focus our thoughts through concentration and meditation. This exhibit provides the observer with an insight into both the difficulty of achieving this state of mind, and the deep reward of doing so.

Santhi Elayaperumal Analytis is co-founder and CTO of Moxxly and holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. She has researched magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatible sensors also medical device design, surgical robotics, haptics, and design methodologies for high technology projects.

The Mind Map series of drawings was created over a one month long experiment. Yulia attempted to learn a daily meditation practice for a duration of 40-60 min each session. Using the (RedGreenBrain) robot to create maps of her mind during these sessions. The brainwave-controlled drawing robot was built by Santhi Elayaperumal and maps your brain activity by moving in certain directions based on the user’s attention and meditation levels, communicated via wireless electroencephalography or EEG.